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Inventors: Hornbostel M, Ventura S, Bhamidi S
Patent Title: Metal ion extraction from brines
Publication date: 2018
Publication number: WO2018035463A1

Abstract: A material includes a porous particle that includes a metal ion imprinted polymer. The metal ion imprinted polymer is formed from a hydrophilic co-monomer, a metal containing polymerizable compound, and a cross-linking agent. The metal containing polymerizable compound includes at least one metal chelating ligand. The metal ion imprinted polymer includes a plurality of metal ion selective binding sites. A method includes flowing brine containing a metal ion through a reactor that includes the material. The method further includes discharging the brine from the reactor, contacting the porous particles with water, and pressurizing the reactor with carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide reacts with the adsorbed metal ions to form a metal carbonate solution. The method further includes depressurizing the reactor to precipitate metal carbonate from the metal carbonate solution and discharging the metal carbonate solution from the reactor.
URL: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=WO&NR=2018035463A1&KC=A1&FT=D&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP&date=20180222&rss=true#

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