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Inventors: Tang L, Zhu C, Hu TJ, Zeng GM, Deng YC, Wang JJ, Liu YN, Fang SY
Patent Title: Hydroximic acid montmorillonite ion imprinted material, preparation method and application thereof
Publication date: 2018
Publication number: CN107629178A

Abstract: The invention discloses a hydroximic acid montmorillonite ion imprinted material, a preparation method and application thereof. The hydroximic acid montmorillonite ion imprinted material adopts montmorillonite as the carrier, surface ion imprinting technology and electron transfer activated atom transfer radical polymerization technology are employed to graft hydroximic acid group on montmorillonite surface, metal ions are adopted as the template, ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether is taken as the crosslinking agent, metal ion imprinting is carried out on the hydroximic acid group on montmorillonite surface, and then the template is eluted to obtain the product. The hydroximic acid montmorillonite ion imprinted material provided by the invention has the advantages of large selective adsorption capacity, high adsorption efficiency, stable properties, no pollution, good reusability and the like, the preparation method has the advantages of simple steps, convenient operation, high production efficiency and the like, and use of the hydroximic acid montmorillonite ion imprinted material in treatment of heavy metal wastewater has the advantages of simple operation, low treatment cost, goodheavy metal adsorption effect and the like.
URL: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=CN&NR=107629178A&KC=A&FT=D&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP&date=20180126&rss=true

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