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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Chen W, Xue M, Shea KJ, Meng ZH, Yan ZQ, Wang Z, Xue F, Qu F
Article Title: Molecularly imprinted hollow sphere array for the sensing of proteins.
Publication date: 2015
Journal: Journal of Biophotonics
Volume: 9999
Issue: (9999)
Page numbers: n/a.
DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201400100

Abstract: Mono-dispersed molecularly imprinted hollow spheres (MIHSs) for hemoglobin (Hb) were prepared by employing silica nanospheres as the sacrificial templates. The obtained hollow spheres with uniform particle size of 360 nm in diameter were characterized by transmission electron microscopy. The outstanding affinities of these MIHSs to the target protein were confirmed by adsorption experiment in aqueous solution. Adsorption equilibrium was achieved within 10 min while the binding capacity (Qmax) of Hb was 8.84 μmol g-1 at pH7.0. Furthermore, the MIHSs were successfully assembled into a closely-packed 3D colloidal array. The molecularly imprinted hollow sphere array (MIHSA) can selectively recognize Hb. As the concentration of Hb increased, the structure color of the MIHSA changed from blue to green, and turn to white finally with maximum red shift for 43 nm. The MIHSA showed promising potential for the naked-eye detection of target Hb
Author keywords: Molecularly imprinted polymer, Hemoglobin, Photonic crystal, naked-eye detection, Biosensor

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